
Map CEIBO V. 1.0 for game version 1.36 Y 1.37

Required Dlcs:
Dlc East
Dlc North
Dlc italy
Dlc France
Dlc Baltic Sea

This update model route 9 between Tucuman to Metan.
The town of: Loreto, Rio Cuarto, Rosario de la Frontera and Metan.
Also the map brings its own collective trafficking(Bus Traffic Argentina).

This map is 100 % free.
Exclusive map models.

About Map:
We are a Youth Group, we are dedicating ourselves to the modeling of the Map of Argentina of v1.0 it is totally Free, each update and news will be uploaded on this page.
Our Mapper and the one who started this project:
Pedro Navarrete
Moddeler (3D) and Converter:
Franco Castilla
Franco Ramirez
KZMods (Kaku Peralta)
Manu Romero (Moddeler 3D)
Currently the map consists of Santiago, Córdoba and Tucuman re-modeled, we will continue with the rest of the map, adding every detail that is missing and replacing each model of the old map.

CEIBO TEAM,Pedro Navarrete,Franco Castilla,Franco Ramirez,Kaku Peralta,Manu Romero

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