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BIZON Z056/7 V1.0

Mod has:
- A real scale
- A real speed
- A real power
- Realistic sounds
- Animations almost everything
- Addition and subtraction of gas per key
- The pipe opened at the exit of the car
- All flaps opened to the press at the approach
- Removing and guards chopper on the button when approaching
- Unfolding and folding chopper on the button when approaching
- Getting up at the combine on key (better seen gorge)
- Threshing activated on the button
- Twisting and untwisting concave on key
- Enabling header on key
- Manual lifting and lowering hedra
- Motowidła raised and lowered at the press
- Motowidła moved in and out on key
- The speed adjustable on key motowideł
- Change distributors canopy on rape and vice versa on the button when approaching
- Moving all pulleys, walkers, etc.
- Sound dumping grain from the tank
- Sound throw gear
- Mirrors
- Exhaust
- He leaves traces
- The dust under the wheels
- Animations on hederach
- Opened the door, the window, the side flap
- Washable wheels (brilliant quite the funniest wheel)
- Dark fumes
- Additional halogen side
- Improving texury
- Improving visual bison (added a few elements)
- Included matched header
- A real scale
- A real speed
- A real power
- Realistic sounds
- Animations almost everything
- Addition and subtraction of gas per key
- The pipe opened at the exit of the car
- All flaps opened to the press at the approach
- Removing and guards chopper on the button when approaching
- Unfolding and folding chopper on the button when approaching
- Getting up at the combine on key (better seen gorge)
- Threshing activated on the button
- Twisting and untwisting concave on key
- Enabling header on key
- Manual lifting and lowering hedra
- Motowidła raised and lowered at the press
- Motowidła moved in and out on key
- The speed adjustable on key motowideł
- Change distributors canopy on rape and vice versa on the button when approaching
- Moving all pulleys, walkers, etc.
- Sound dumping grain from the tank
- Sound throw gear
- Mirrors
- Exhaust
- He leaves traces
- The dust under the wheels
- Animations on hederach
- Opened the door, the window, the side flap
- Washable wheels (brilliant quite the funniest wheel)
- Dark fumes
- Additional halogen side
- Improving texury
- Improving visual bison (added a few elements)
- Included matched header
Author: Model: Marcello1942, Asd4, Fumski Programming: Rockstar94 Script: Rockstar94 Edit: DEATHdriver, LESTER89
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