Hello guys got something new for you. The AAG Bjorn Holm by Jocky V2.
It has been a few changes to the standard map.

Credits: Credits: Marhu: Güllemistkalk Mod, Schweinemast, Kalksilo, Watermod, thoralf2002: BioFuelRaffinerie Steinklopfer: BGA Umbau – zwei Entladestellen Geneborg: Texturen Gülle Mist Kalk v 1.0 mariodieck: Kackschnitzelförderband dimre Flagspack Nick89,1: Straßenschilder Nils23: Digitale Anzeige Harrybo: Villa Sotillo Maschienen Halle Buzzard: Schadholz, WasserHydrant Fabi: AAG Schilder Farmer_Andy: Gülle Lager



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