Author: Euphrates
Map of pure editing system obtained from the map map01.
Map has uploaded additional crop, including animation
Crop it - sunflower, sorghum, clover and alfalfa, plus
fodder beet.
Crop and action animations are needed fashion map
and an additional animation headers
-MultiFruitCutters, Does not have all the necessary texture and animation, so in the pack are needed for substitution files.
The new crop beet - futterruebe is possible to harvest by putting XML-growing beside the machine for example. Potato or sugarbeet
A better solution, however, is orzerób to chaff fodder beet silage forage harvester Krone with Header from a given set of fashion MultiFruitCutters on the map to test all machines, a few plots of crops and buying-trigger. Map is fully playable.



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