This Mod adds itself to every vehicle. No need to add it manually. Just put the downloaded Zip file in your Modfolder and have fun!
The betterIndoorCamera is a improved version of the script called “realisticIndoorCamera” in fs13, but it also has some new features. The goal with this mod is to improve the feeling of the inside camera, so you feel acceleration, uneven ground and stuff like that.

For further description and visual explanation how it works just take a look at the video in the “videos” tab.
How it works:
The mod has two main parts/modes. Every mode can be toggled on/off separately in each mod. Both modes can be used together..
mode 1: “shake” mode
– this modes “simulates” the “inertia of mass” of the drivers body. The camera doesn’t adjust to terrain angle/slopes but it makes you feel acceleration, braking, uneven ground und stuff like that. .
mode 2: roll/pitch mode
– this mode adjusts the camera so that it is perfectly vertical no matter at what angle/slope the vehicle is driving. That gives a true feeling on how steep hills are in fs for example. Its the same as “realisticIndoorCamera” in fs13 was.


by modelleicher
beta testing: don_apple



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