This is the Fendt 615 LSA with hardpoints. (BETA)
As the name implies, there are different attachments to the vehicle.
5 Different Radarten separately for front and rear axle
2 different wings
Forestry framework
Warning signs for overwidth
Front weight or FH (FH currently only as a static object.

So far everything is working except for the FH which still has no Attacher.
It's easy to try gewsen, and this is the result.

I have built none of the models, but only reconstructed the existing parts and incorporated as hardpoint.
As I said, really just as a test object which is intended to illustrate a few Hardpoint functions.
I think that you can do much more in the future with the Hardpoints and it comes closer to reality
if not manReifenarten eg by pressing a button can change anywhere, but you need it in the workshop.

Small parts can be mounted with the workshop trolley.
For larger alterations such as wheels, FH, forestry framework, must be driven into the workshop.

Have fun trying.

Credits: MFG



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