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Güllepack FS17 V 1.0
Hello dear friends of realistic slurry spreading.
After much modding, scripting, 3D snip and game testing is finally my manure chain for the FS17 finished.
The description will now be a bit long, but I ask you to read it to the end, so in advance all the questions and possible Fehbedienung can be excluded. He has become a bit bulky so here is a brief overview of the vehicles.
Kotte TSA Tandem 24000L
Kotte TSA Tandem 30000L
Kotte TSA Triedem 30000L
Kotte Feldrandcontainer
Veenhuis tandem 24000L
Veenhuis Triedem 31000L
Zunhammer TV 21000L
Zunhammer PE 22500L
Modell: Giants monteur1 Bjohn(Rohr Carrier) Textur: Script: Upsidedown monteur1 Idee / Konzept: monteur1 Bayerbua
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