How to use:

Use NumPad or Mouse - can be customized in game options
NumPad 0 or Middle Mouse Button opens list of vehicles in the order you tab through them
NumPad 2 and 8 or Mouse Wheel moves selection in list (green)
NumPad 5 or Left Mouse Button toggles mode to move vehicle in list/tab order (selection turns red)
NumPad [Enter] or Right Mouse Button enters selected vehicle (if it is unoccupied)
NumPad [+] or Mouse Button 4 toggles parking mode (vehicle removed from tab list and prefixed in VehicleSort list with [P])
NumPad [-] opens config menu

Fix bug on dedicated server with vehicle reset

* Fix bug causing errors while determining vehicle name
* Fix bug causing undesired text and overlay dimensions on some screen resolution aspect ratios
* Fix bug where train cranes were still being considered part of the selection list while hidden from view
* Fix bug with duplicate heading render
* New config option to set background alpha transparency level
* New config option to change text size between 3 sizes
* Improved text wrapping determination
* Dynamic sizing of column widths and background based on size of content
* Cleaned up unused code
* Optimized code

v2.0.0.0 Slivicon
* Mostly re-written code
* New persistent unique ID system to help maintain vehicle order between sessions
* Improved brand name representation and visual display (new semi-transparent dark background)
* New config option: Smaller text size
* Now wraps long text for long lists spanning multiple columns
* New improved method for detecting trains and train station cranes
* Resetting vehicles should no longer change the tab order from user specified order
* Saved order will no longer reset when number of vehicles has changed, only when the map has changed
* Increased efficiency: Only save order to disk when a change has been made, not every time VehicleSort is used in the game
* Fixed several bugs
* Several code optimizations and refactoring
* Improved multiplayer and dedicated server support

fix error reported by Hollauer where some items may not have a brand name

v1.0.0.8 Slivicon
while using mousewheel when VehicleSort is displayed:
-prevent chainsaws from activating
-avoid camera zoom


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