List of changes:
- Texture changes for each color and gloss finish.
- Changes in color and gloss on chrome elements. Including rear fenders and front axle.
- Changed front fenders. Better for optimization.
- Replaced Interactive Control Script for Better Version. Your settings after savegame will be the same. Also better for optimization.
- Removed unnecessary model elements from i3d. Better for optimization.
- Completely overhauling the wheel configuration. New wheels and other rims.
- Added animation of cylinders in the front and rear windows.
- New Frontloader console
- Fixed mirrors.
- Pressure compensation wheel system.
- Fixed sound.
- The model is upgraded and dirt works around the whole model
- New mirror structure ensures better shine instead of cube
- The new weight and center weight, so it runs better
- New Buttons Interactive Control (IC)
- Added new warning and also collapsible (IC)
- RDA on wheels (IC)
- Fixed fenders on IC buttons
- Added folding steering column (IC)
- unwinding of side lights (IC)
- New weight configurations
- Stickers stop blinking
- 2 green texture options (Normal and Special)
- Fixed lights, downward feedback, wheel rotation and windows
- Now the mod should work on a dedicated server!

Keep your download link!

TheModdingCollaboration, Marthu,rolnik7245

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