[FBM22] International 956 XL-1056 XL 1.0.2

International 956 XL - 1056 XL

This set contains 3 generations of the C-Family from IHC and CASE IH,

built between 1982 und 1992 in Neuss and and Dizier,

with engine powers of 95 und 105 hp.


Color choice for body
Color choice for rims
Frontloader consoles for Stoll, Quicke and Hauer
Front hydraulics or front weight
Beacon lights
Different wheel combinations from different manufacturers

Doors and back window animated with SimpleIC.

Front Fenders can be hidden with SimpleIC.

Giants Software GmbH Publisher: Forbidden-Mods.de Modding: AgroMike (FBM) Simple Ic: modelleicher

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