Hi folks, here is the V4 Kleintalmap with the pig of Marhu and new slaughterhouse.

Update V4:

Schweinemastmod installed with abattoir
new moving train
Station increases with new decorative elements
added some new decorations

V3 Updates:

Incorporated manure and Mistmod V1.1 of HatzFan
WaterMod v3.0 water for all the animals and grains for chickens
New textures fruit cereals and rape, new ground textures, new Distance Mountains

V2 updates:

BGA silos take manure and straw on
Field road network expanded, new Hofsilos for chopped straw and grass hay
Vegetated terrain more new decorative items and much more

Updates: 1.1

Automatic car wash, Straw Plane stable fixed, to trigger gas station, yard can be easily extended with placeable mods now and some more

Welcome to the Kleintal Map
This map has been completely rebuilt and is designed with their size, especially for single player or 2 players in multiplayer.
Overall, you will find 19 small to medium sized fields with the partial boundary post and green stripes (not removable) are separated from each other and thus also to

may be combined in large fields.
! Rot is turned on only for beet and rape, all other types of fruit does not wither!


Medium-sized central courtyard with cow and sheep pasture, free range chickens (not Гјbrfahren).
On the farm you will find a 3-piece silo there silage, straw, grass and hay is stored and can then be easily removed with the mixer

Unloading outlets:

Noem dairy
Biogas plant
Train (also wool acceptance)
Marketplace (eggs)

The map does not generate any Logfehler.





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