Hi guys,
hir is my map. It is an extension of the Standartmap.Sie is still nich vollendet.Ich thank all who created the building to hir to bauen.Ich knows these people is very rude not to mention in the credits but I do not have time to do so.
Now let's down to business kommen.Die Map Staffelde is not ausgerreift, therefore I would wish to improve freuen.Ich have the ChoppedSTraw mod used and the mast installations of the portal Marhu.Zu this thing I have to say a very big thank you goes to Joker301069 of helped me Alage hat.So everything needs to make her is to unzip IE RAR.Datei and move the 2 Zip.Dateien folder in the Mod.

Joker301069 von dem Modportal Marhu



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