Lossberg is characterized by the high level of uniqueness, quality and the amount of details. A lot oft the things shown in the map are new tot he game. There are new buldings, objects and textures made by supporters or by myself. There are three new buildings on the main farm, where you can store your mashines or your harvest. Another perfect detail, that show, how mush effort I put into it are the foliage layers for decoration. Most of them a photographed and edited by myself. I would like to take the opportunity to thank my supporters!
Of course the map has primarily all standard features of the FS17. Furthermorethere are the following additional functions and features to find:
– More than 15 completely new buildings and objects
– Spline based and invididual streetnetwork
– Many new textures for buildings, objects and foliage
– Doors to open
– Lightswitches is every gameplay related building
– Fertilizer and seeds storage
– 3 farms to choose of
– Custom Lighting (no light mod necessary)
– New foliage (crop) textures
– Chopped Straw support (webalizer)
– Gülleschlauch Mod support (Wopster)

Giants Niggels: Strassentexturen, Dekolayertexturen, Lichtschalter und Lampen, Display Fahrzeugwaage, Straßenlaternen, GullideckelSet, Büroequipment: Schreibtisch und Monitor, Straßentextur, Gaffitydecals, Straßenschäden-Decals, Mauer Gartencenter, Mauer Sägewerk, Randsteine, Trockensubstrathalle BGA, Fermentergruppe BGA, Getreidehalle Hof, Maschinenhalle Hof, Unterstand mit Lampe, Bodenplatten Katsuo (Agrarteam Franken): Maschinenhalle grün, Biomasse Lager (Wolf Systembau), Feldscheune, Silowände mit Kette. Europalette dunkel Steffen30Muc (Agrarteam Franken): Maschinenhalle Haupthof, Kalk und Düngerlager, Ballenhalle, Dausch Halle offen, Bauernhaus (Hof) Basti Pickel (Agrarteam Franken): Sitzbank und Hochbeet, Hubwagen, Schafstall, Getreidehandel Werner fqC-Art: LPG Werkstatt, LPG Lager, LPG Bergehalle, BGA Bunkerhalle, BGA Generatorhaus DaGoasse: Radsteinset GSi-Flash: Maschinenhalle (mit Fenster), Trauensteiner Fahrsilos B34STx: Objectspack, Zaunpack Buschi: Gitterbox The_Green_Flash: Bullenstall Baue3rR: Tor (Weide) JauchenPaule: Werkstatteinrichtung, SpareParts, Gasverteilstation, Schweißgerät, Kompressor Schiebestation BGA, Radiotower GE-Mapping: Maschendrahtzaun Modding Welt, martinbigM500: Getreidehandel Roth Moppel: Claas GPS Nick98.1: Schilderset Ls-Landtechnik: Leitplankenset Fatian: Strassenset Eribus: Forgotten Plants Texturen für Kartoffeln, Rüben, Raps, Weizen, Gerste, Sojabohnen El_Cid: Sägewerk Festus: Sägewerk (ingame), Gewächshausumbau JohnDeereLTR180_Willi103: Maschendrahtzaun Saegewerk fendtfan1: Hoftankstelle, Feldeinfahrt mit Rohr DieThoboliker: Spielplatz Manuel (ModdingWelt): Teile der BGA Max311: Liegeboxen Kuhstall, Maschinenhalle lang michi113: Kuhstall

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