The second Wheelloader with All-Wheel-Steering from LSModding.
This time the JCB 435s was fitted with an All-Wheel-Steering instead of the articulated axis.
The steering modes are switched with CTRL+z and as follows:
Crabsteering left
Crabsteering right.
The Back-Wheel-Steering is unfortunately not displayed correctly in the Help Menu, however it works correctly. As soon as i got a solution i will post an update.
Now with Dual Wheel Setups included for front, back and front&back.
Also added are two more engine configurations:
Standard with 242bhp
Supercharged with 310bhp
Supercharged Plus with 335bhp

Fahr- und Bremsverhalten angepasst.
Hydraulik überarbeitet. Fährt man ganz runter hebt der Arm die Vorderräder nicht mehr aus.
Geschwindigkeit der Hydraulik erhöht. Der Arm fährt nun schneller rauf und runter

Modell: Giants Textur: Giants Script: N/A Idee / Konzept: LSModding/Giants Tester: LSModding Sonstige: N/A

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