While countermeasures have finally made in GTA Online, in GTAV Storymode they just don't work...
This mod fixes this problem allowing dropping flares as defence. They will act just like in GTA Online, attracting incoming missiles.

Installation instructions:
Requires the last version of ScriptHookDotNet!
Just drop Countermeasures.dll and countermeasures.xml inside scripts folder.

I honestly don't know why, but your character will need to own a FlareGun for this mod to actually work.
Just press E on the Keyboard or Right on the Gamepad to launch flares if you are in a supported vehicle. There will be a cooldown after each launch (the game will not render properly too many flares…)

By default only Akula, Buzzard Attack Chopper and P-996 Lazer have countermeasures. You can fix that adding tags inside countermeasures.xml:
name: name of the vehicle
offset: distance of the origin to the vehicle, in case of collisions with it (example: Akula)
flares: number of flares that will be spawned for that vehicle. Should be from 2 to 8


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