The map is exchanged several textures, otherwise everything is in pristine condition.

Reviewed by Erich Ericson Kurovice
Excellent map that you will not get bored, and where you will also find such goodies:
+ For all you reach the map are receiving points (ranking / rating), it's worth to collect coins, etc.
+ Seeds and fertilizers you have to buy in gardening and bring to your team,
+ To Sejačka must get a seed that you sow and to proceed to the second field and want to sow something else, it is necessary to construe the original seed and load a new species,
+ Fields buying at "Ministries / Kataster" and buy those it now, but you must wait until Realitka appeal to the owner, and he suggests a price
+ If you want a new cowshed to Telco but "pig farm" must also stray into the city on kataster there and ask to purchase ... (for a purchase you must reach a certain level rating)
+ And you will sadly well-heeled (which in this map take a while) and getting decent ratings, so you can purchase and whichever factory on the map
+ The same holds true for Forestry, and if you make the excavation without permission you get a fine and you will drop rating,
+ Garage - so it is absolutely super, parking the car in the garage and if you close the door, "O" is no longer a vehicle Does not scroll the list of vehicles "TAB"
+ For resetting vehicle (store / from the field) are billed fairly decent fees,
+ Original Russian Machines,
+ Perfect scripts animals and humans (drunk, a dog chasing a cat, a horse cválajúci, pobehujúca cat), not all of them as props to other maps ..

- Map has its own menu ( "Ctrl + /") Stock-price does not correspond to the standard menu of the game, "I"
- Missing CZ / SK translation, a translation would be further increased the quality of the game,

Igor 29,381, Kovsh, Stasenko 100, Weder, S.W.I.K. modding team Czech author: unknown (eg logs)

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